
Seth Tyler Black is an artist born and raised in York, Pennsylvania. In his early years, he nourished his artistic passion through drawing and painting, even placing in a few local contests. He also found a passion for telling people outlandish stories and supporting them to the point of believability.

Throughout his compulsory education years, Seth found himself always trying to be at the top of his game. He made sure that his ideas and projects stood out from the rest of the pile, and did not even compare to the rest. Instead of following the instruction rubric, he always found a way around the rules to express his own opinions and ideas. Instead of turning in his poetry on blank computer paper, he formatted project books.  Instead of writing essays about the Civil War, he created fictionalized stories about a General’s wife to demonstrate his knowledge. It was this attitude that landed him an internship at the York Daily Record, a local newspaper of his hometown, from 2004-2008 where he brought the subject of art and artistic living to the front page, creating himself an archive of 30+ published poems of his own.

After graduating High School, Seth Tyler Black decided to move up to the Snowbelt capital of Buffalo, NY where he attended the University at Buffalo with plans to get a degree in Psychology. After a year of the college experience, Seth found himself taking film courses in the ghost-town Buffalo summer, with three unfinished screenplays and a head full of ideas. It was then that Seth decided to officially start his career in art, eventually forming his own academic major of Art Psychology. He started focusing his art on the the promotion of self-choice, rather than living life under complete social influence and programming, disregarding the traditional policies of having to be specialized in a particular medium. He started from scratch, first penning his first own original screenplay, A Portrait of a Young Artist. Seth was no longer taking his passion for creativity as a hobby, but as a career. During the six months that A Portrait was being written, he started advertising his vision through his other mediums of art.

The first draft A Portrait of a Young Artist was officially penned in January 2010, and Seth did not wait a second to submit it to five festivals. Of which, he officially got into the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival, and is still in contention for another in late spring 2011.

While in the preproduction phase of Portrait, Seth is currently writing and going through development and preproduction on another film project, Light, continuing to add to his poetry repertoire, and continuing to plan his ideas for future projects.

Seth Tyler Black currently works independently without an agent or manager.

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